After spinning, but without ecdysis, the larvae enter the prepupal stage (PP), during which they appear straightened and motionless in their cells, while the larval cuticle progressively loosens from the pupal one underneath, beginning in the head region. This stage ends with the pupal ecdysis.
In the next 24 hours many external features form as the larva changes into a prepupa also known as propupa or defecated larva.
The eyes, legs, and wings take shape. Coloration begins with the eyes: first pink, then purple, then black. Finally, the fine hairs that cover the bee's body develop. After 12 days, the now adult bee chews her way through the wax capping
In the next 24 hours many external features form as the larva changes into a prepupa also known as propupa or defecated larva.
The eyes, legs, and wings take shape. Coloration begins with the eyes: first pink, then purple, then black. Finally, the fine hairs that cover the bee's body develop. After 12 days, the now adult bee chews her way through the wax capping
Scientific Beekeeping
Propupal moulting, taking place four (queen) three (drone) or two (worker) days after capping, is the fifth moult. It takes place on the eleventh day in the worker and queen. In the drone it happens on the 14th day.
Queen and young larval pheromones impact nursing and reproductive physiology of honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers
Bee Breeding &
Bee Breeding &
Bee Breeding & Genetics
Bee Breeding & Genetics
By Waugsberg - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2445861
In the paper from 1980 (Rembold et al )which observed the changes in colour in worker and queen pupae there were two interesting charts. The first above classifies the changes in pigmentation in the pupae. The second below states the timings of the changes to different pigmentations and the ranges found within the two castes.
Below are images of drone larvae of increasing maturity
Marcia Bitondi
Fani Hatjina
Charicterization of Postembryonic Stages of Development of the Female Castes of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera l. Rembold et al, 1980