Eggs in the Hive
Scientific Beekeeping
Here we have many eggs being laid in a cell. However the eggs are being laid at the back of the cell (as we look at it) so it will probably be from a queen rather than a laying worker. Workers' abdomens are generally too short to lay at the bottom of the cell.

It is likely that this is a virgin queen or recently mated queen who has yet to find her rhythm.
Leinster Honey
An illustration of eggs laid by a laying worker. The eggs have been attached to the wall of the cell.
Bee Breeding &
Queen and young larval pheromones impact nursing and reproductive physiology of honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers
This is what we expect to see when we look at a brood frame that has recently been laid up by the queen.

Every egg is of the same size and there are no empty cells. Gaps may mean a failing queen.

Alternatively, an empty cell may indicate that the nurse bees have removed it. Generally there are two reasons why the workers cull brood. The first is disease and the second is the presence of a diploid drone. It is known that larvae produce brood pheromone which, amongst other things, tell the nurse bees what to feed and when.
Variation in Time of Egg Hatch by the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Collins 2014
The honey bee egg may be fertilised (female) or unfertilised (male).

This diagram is of an egg before an embryo has started to develop.